The boys and I came in at 7:40am to pick up a single large green container of coffee for forty referees and volunteers at a Taekwondo tournament (the order had been placed the day before). We needed to be at the venue(which was five minutes away) by 8:00am to make sure everyone had their coffee and snacks before the tournament started at 9:00 am. The barista greeted me pleasantly but was slightly flustered since she hadn't even started to prepare our order yet. She informed me that the order would be ready by 8:00 am. Okay, so they were slightly behind schedule -- no problem, I guess... There was free wifi there, so I decided to read the news.
It was 8:15am when our order was ready. I thought Starbucks baristas also undergo some time management training, but this skill is sorely lacking at this location... They included a large bag of coffee cups, sugars, and cream(which ran out before the coffee did -- we were only given one large cup each of half and half and full cream), but forgot to pack lids for the coffee cups!!