I am now a regular at this place; the owner will greet me with a 'welcome back' which leaves me slightly humbled and a little embarrassed. I've taken it upon myself to expose this type of entertainment to my friends, family and everyone in between.
At this point I've been to about 5 of their missions, and they have NEVER failed to impress me. Each of their missions (even from their 'gen 1' aka original mission) have a large amount of thought put behind it; much better than other locations.
What's even better is that they're consantly updating. Since the first time I visited their location, they've introduced 3 new missions - Noriko, Syndicate Relic heist and the Unknown.
The Unknown mission is as good as it gets. Rarely do you leave an establishment thinking 'this will be something I'll never forget.' I can't wait to try the other places.
I only wish the best for this company and hope they branch out to other locations! (travelling to downsview from Mississauga each time is a little cumbersome).