Yesterday evening I hosted a going away party for my boyfriend. First off, I had reserved the outdoor patio for Saturday evening. Friday afternoon, we got a message informing us he would have to leave a day early. I went into straight panic and thought I would have to cancel the whole party. I reached out to David, the general manager and he was extremely kind, understanding and flexible. He had no problems with me moving the party same day and offering me the space. I was so relieved. When we got to the venue, just my luck, it was raining. They have cutest outdoor patio where the party was supposed to take place. The server came out to inform us that we still have that spot if we would like but they also set up the banquet room inside for our use. How perfect was that?? They totally went above and beyond to anticipate my needs. We went inside and Brittany and dezerae were our servers and they were EXCELLENT. To sum up the evening, everything went flawlessly, the food was awesome, service was top notch and my boyfriend had the best time with his friends.
Thank you pts for everything. Can't wait to host my next party there