I had a great stay in this particular hostel for 5 nights. As others have stated, it is located within walking distance of the Union Station and within the centre of the city. The neighborhood is safe and peaceful and most importantly, has many places of importance to a traveller such as a 24 hr Metro grocery chain store and Starbucks and Tim Hortens. My particular room did not have lockers, those are in the lobby; we did have a small tv which was a plus if you had time for it; there where bedside night tables with drawers so each occupant had a drawer; the room also included a shower and a bathroom (warning both are extremely confining). The meal ticket could be used for breakfast or dinner (serving only Sun., Tues, Thurs.); the breakfast was one of a number of choices, all of which looked good and hardy (beware that breakfast is very busy at opening). In the lounge is a small pool table, on the top floor is where alcohol can be bought and in the basement is the cafe,a very cramped space where meals are served. The wifi service is outstanding, I was on floor 8 and the reception was still excellent. If you are driving a car, beware that the authorities in Toronto are very strict. A parking lot lies adjacent to the property for 14.95.