| - I was a patient about 5 years ago. I had the daemon system that Reardon really likes to sell.
Let me just say, that I now work in the dental field and am able to fully understand what happened in my case. Even more so, I work in orthodontics and see this all the time.
1). Reardon sells a system that promises fast results and a "forever" smile. I ended up with shortened roots on my two front teeth (central incisors 8 and 9) along with several other places. For parents who don't know what this means, it means if I were to take a nasty fall, there's a much higher chance of permanent, unfixable damage to a tooth (possible need for an implant if I ever ate dirt!) I also had gotten a lateral incisor shaved down because my teeth appeared to be flared out in a rather odd way. He also shaved down my canines. It's absolutely visible in the difference in size in what he shaved down. My teeth are LITERALLY two different sizes now, but an irreversible thing.
2) I was given permanent lingual bars for my upper and lower anterior teeth. It was bonded too close to my gym line, causing swelling, and the inability to floss. I had to leave it off after it popped off the first time.
3) I've worked with orthodontists who were all willing to consult about my teeth. None in the valley were pleased with Reardon's work. I'm saying this as a patient who has completed treatment and is looking at this from a professional standpoint for 5 years down the road.
4) when I was a patient, there were several complaints about how unfriendly and unprofessional the staff is. Parents were discouraged from going back with the child, there was very little communication about the progress of the teeth and depended on the children relaying information, we rarely saw the orthodontist unless there was a major change in the treatment plan. Not only this, IVE witnessed and IVE complained to the front office about how unprofessional the staff is. Using inappropriate language amongst younger children, not friendly, don't even talk to the patients, and completely changed their attitude when I missed an appointment on accident. Despite me apologizing repeatedly, seeing my error (I rarely miss appointments) I was still treated differently after that. Reardon blows up on assistants, and has a rather short temper. Seen it, heard stories from other orthodontists.
Really, go see someone else.