On another road trip of gallivanting through Arizona, this time with another friend in tow, he asked to go to the Heart Attack Grill which he had been aching to see since we told him about it a couple years ago.
We drove to its new location in Chandler, where it was apparently closed for several days as it was trying to get a full liquor license.
Our friend was dismayed as he really wanted to try the burgers (Seriously. No interest in the girls whatsoever. The guy is all about his meats). My boyfriend and I then remembered that the Heart Attack Grill's previous location was still open for business as its own T&A eatery.
We'd eaten there once, around Christmas '07, before it had a name or a theme. The girls were wearing whatever costumes they could find, be it French maids or Catholic school girls, as Dr. Jon and his nurses had just packed up and left for Chandler.
The food tasted almost identically like Heart Attack Grill's then and still somewhat does now.
The Grill Next Door isn't bad, but its gimmick isn't as amusing as Heart Attack Grill's. It's almost like another take on Hooter's with the theme skewed more toward tacky and redneck in a space that looks like it used to be a Jack in the Box.