I have been a customer of Verizon for over 22 years and they lost me as a customer because of that store. I went in to purchase a new cell phone after being offered incentives from Verizon's corporate office but they would not honor any of them. I specifically asked when the offer was made if I can complete the purchase in the store and was told I could. The associate even saw notes on the offer. After an hour wait they confirmed with corporate. I wanted the black phone which they had in stock but they could not give it to me because the corporate office said that they have no record of that color being in stock for that particular store. Their solution was for me to purchase the silver phone, then immediately return for the black phone but they had to charge me a $35 re-stocking fee. I asked to speak to the manager but he never came nor acknowledged the challenges the associate was having. Terrible customer services, it was like nobody cared whether or not I purchased this $1200 phone or whether I continued to be a loyal customer of Verizon with my $200+ bill I pay every month. No big deal, I will goto another carrier. The manager is an example of poor customer service not only to me but also displayed poor leadership to the associate who was having challenge's with the Corporate office. Wake up Verizon, there is a lot of competition out there and they all offer the same incentives, the truly successful companies have exceptional customer service.