Un-Green Corporate Policies like not allowing Produce, Meat and Bakery managers to mark down day old items and distressed produce for customers on fixed incomes or just trying to find good bones, or scrap for stock or pets. They throw it all away in the dumpsters behind the building and why we have such a tough time with the homeless around here because their dumpsters are a gold mine of disposed food.
Then if you lock your bicycle for more than a few minutes out front they don't provide any security deterrents like real or fake cameras and have had my handlebars almost stolen from a group of young punks within just a few minutes. They have one security guard for the entire complex and absolutely no video deterrent at all.
I hope that when they open Sprouts across the street I hope they allow their department managers to mark down day old foods, bones and produce and floral scraps for those of us that know how to re-use and feed the hungry. #boycot Safeway