| - Do you enjoy paying $5 for a cold taco while surrounded by douche-bag hipsters sipping craft-brewed India Piss Ales, and listening to 'Chad' talk about where he got his latest 'tribal' full-sleeve tattoo, how much it hurt to get, while sending selfies to everyone at the table?
This is your place, then.
...It's shame they don't include "Make my food hot" as on option on the order cards you fill out for your taco(s), in what can only be described as the Mexican version of Happy-Dog, where, incidentally, they know how to keep food warm.
Here's an idea:
They have other stores that sell food; They're called grocers. Go there, buy all the same ingredients for tacos (and maybe a beer that is NOT an IPA), go home and prepare tacos, save yourself a few bucks, put your cell-phone down for five fucking minutes (I promise the Internet will still be there when you get back) and have a conversation with someone that won't leave you bleeding out your ears at the end of it.