I was there last week and my appointment was for a cleaning, a filling and to get one of my teeth ready for a crown. I got a temporary one until my permanent one was to come in. I was told 2 weeks. I got the filling and the tooth prepared for the crown, but no cleaning!! I was there 3 hours!!! Lets fast forward to today. My temporary crown fell out so I called and spoke with Leilani. She was very sweet. She told me it was an easy fix and I would be in and out within 30min. I left work early, got in and waited in the waiting room for 50min. I asked the girl how much longer it would be because my husband works on aircraft graveyard shifts and he had the kids and needed to sleep. I would go get them. She (the Hispanic girl with the tattoo of a naked chick on her left forearm) said you are next and when you get back there, it will only be like 10min, so I waited, I finally got back and I saw a whole episode of women in prison on he ID channel which is way more than 10min. I told her I had to get my kids so my husband could sleep and that I would be back. I got back at 2:55 and at 4:30 I was still there. I asked if they could give or recommend something I could put over my tooth because it is very sensitive, she flat out said no!!! She is rude and if she needs a little more training if she is going to work with the public. I do like everyone in there as well as the female dentist with the tattoos. I am bad with names! My experience today was horrible and hopefully when I go back on July 5th they will have things together.