I was hussled into the Biltmore store by a guy giving free samples. He applied a product called Vine Vera on the dark hollow areas under my eyes. I have to say, the results were dramatic! Of course he pushed hard to get me to buy. He offered me that product and 2 others AND a free facial for $399.00
I rarely buy anything on the spot so I told him $400. was a lot and I'd have to think about it. Suddenly the price dropped to $299.00. I still left.
I did go back because hey, the results were good and I saw some good reviews.
That's where things got unpleasant. I paid for the product and he says "let me see if so and so will give you your facial right now while you're here". Aaaand, low and behold so and so was free. Instead of going into the facial room, the guy smears a little something else on one of my cheeks and proceeds to try and sell me that too. This was my free facial.
They were relentless. So I finally had to tell them I was a straight commission salesman, I knew exactly what they were doing which was pushing me to buy more while they had me in the store because WE HAVE A MUCH HIGHER CHANCE OF GETTING YOU TO BUY WHEN YOU ARE RIGHT THERE ( Which is why you shouldn't. Remember that!) and that they weren't good at their jobs because they had reached the level of pushy which fails every time. So they finally gave up.
Oh, and I was told to use it before bed once a week and after a month I could drop to once every 2 months. There were no other instructions anywhere. Now would that not give you the impression that it's actually changing and improving your skin over time? Nope. It does not. It improves the appearance of your skin by tightening it while you're wearing it. For several hours and then it washes right off. Its good for what it is but they will deliberately make you believe its something more than that.
Go to www.plexaderm.com and buy their product which is essentially the same for a lot less money.