Took Valentino here to celebrate his "Gotcha Day". He had a blast!! But lemme break down what I liked and didn't like about this place:
Likes 1. Inside has two play areas. One for big dogs and one for little dogs. I walked by and there were two small black pugs (alone) and sitting on the play ramps frowning their little pugs noses at us humans. They clearly didn't want to be there but it was hilarious.
2. Clean for being a dog bar.
3. Staff super attentive and helpful.
4. Lots of high tables and places to sit
What I didn't like: TONS of Dogs just running around....however...I've never been to a dog bar, dog park or anything like this so I tried to take my anxiety out of it. And the fact that owners here were actually paying attention to their dogs and other peoples dog. So I'm still on the fence about if I'd want to come back. Val was a champ though. He weaved in and out of people and dogs and made some new friends. He wasn't the nerd dog stuck in the corner having no one to play with. He had more and more confidence the long he was there.
Dogs pee wherever outside on concrete and that I didn't like at all. Owners cleaned it up but confuses even well behaved dogs and teaches bad habits. Val actually somehow told us he need to go and we took him to the grass on the other side of the fence. He's a poodle...what can I say?! Lol!
And food. I was hangry. They said "we have food trucks outside of the gate". I saw ONE food CART and it was a random hotdog cart. No thank you.
All in all I had low expectations and I wanted to give my pooch a place to run free and celebrate getting adopted. I doubt I'd bring him here again. I'd rather just go to a brewery and keep my pooch on a leash.