| - If i could give these people twenty stars, I would. If God forbid you should ever be in the position I'm in with a terminally ill loved one, these are the people to call. And if you have a loved one with a dx of less than six months to live, call them immediately. I've done a lot of research and most people say they wish they'd called sooner.
I had no luck getting pain management for my husband despite multiple doctors until I got this service in place.
If you're not familiar with hospice, its probably not what you think. First of all, this is an IN HOME hospice. They come out to your house. My husband did not want to go with endless hospital stays, and if your loved one wants to stay at home and its starting to get too difficult for you, this is the to go. They do have an outpatient center as well that is supposedly like staying in a five star hotel with round the clock care, but so far we havent used that service. Ive heard good things though.
They have nurses to come out and check on my hubby, a 24 hour hotline in case of emergency (such as a fall or need for meds), they bring equipment needed right to the house (very handy when you cant go trucking all over town looking for a wheelchair or oxygen tanks because you're trapped in your home caring for someone whos sick and may fall), they ordered meds for my husband and kept trying different ones until we finally found some that ACTUALLY WORKED, the meds also come right to the house, and they also have social workers and chaplains available as needed.
The most impressive thing however is how caring and passionate and helpful every single person who I've encountered at this place has been. This is their mission in life and they all do it so well. God bless every single one of them.
Lisa, my husbands nurse - thank you. Youve been a Godsend. I want to be like you when I grow up :)
God bless these people. And if you need their services, please, PLEASE call them. A friend referred them and I'm so grateful she did.