| - Do you need 3 sticks of cinnamon, 2 tsp of cream tartar? You go to this store! I hate it when I have to stuck with spices and dried herbs for over months because I have to buy again!
But here is the solution! You can buy whatever amount you wish for! Not only herbs and spices but also grains, honey, peanut butter( you know sometime you want to have peanut butter jelly sandwich and celery with peanut butter and have to buy the huge jar and take up your tiny fridge space? for a year and you have to through away? that's so sad....), all kinds of chocolates like figs, raisins, almonds cover with chocolate, breakfast cereals, oats, little yummy munch stuff, molasses, teas- all kinds of flower, regular teas and so on so on and so on. This little store is a gem on St. Laurent! I usually go when I go to Old Europe, stop at Pharmaprix and then this store! Today I will go there and buy 2 TB of cream of tartar for my snickerdoodle cookies.
Oh! by the way everything are much cheaper than you buy in Provigo or some stores in packets. I bought garlic powder, ginger powder, cinnamon sticks, bay leaves, whole glove last time and it was less than 3 dollars. - Of course I bought whatever amount I needed at that moment. They are always fresh too!
There are also organic veggies, tofu, vitamins, juices and etc.