I was searching for a sleeping bag for my son online on craigslist and responded to a couple posting. All the replies I received directed me to a consignment store. So I went to visit the store not having the slightest clue what to expect.
When I entered the building I was a bit shocked at the size of the place. I was also a little overwhelmed not knowing exactly what I was suppose to do and I wasn't greeted by an employee so I just grabbed a cart and began exploring.
As I shopped I was excited about all the stuff they had and the range of types of items they sold. The awesome thing was it's very well organized. It was like the biggest yard sale I've ever seen.
I found a couple items I wanted to buy but nothing had a price on it. I wondered around the store looking lost and confused while several employees past right by me. Finally I got the attention of an employee and he gave me a quick run down on how the store operated and helpful tips. It should have been explained when I first got there or posted somewhere but wasnt.
When it came time to check out I couldn't find where I was suppose to pay so again I roamed the store looking lost and again I had to stop an employee to ask. The check out process was a little weird but not too bad. I paid they emailed me a receipt and out the door I went.
Anyhow... I only got to cover less then 1/4 of the store in the hour I was there but will definately be back soon!! The second time will be a better visit now that I know what to do and how to do it!!