First time I flew with them, and I have to say I encountered the most rude employee at the Phoenix airport.
The airport was completley dead and I wanted to see if my mileage got added to my ticket. I noticed there was a worker on the phone for 30+ minutes at an empty gate that I was waiting at, so I finally walked over. And waited. Another passenger asked me if I was waiting and that finally cued her to ask her what I wanted. I told her (while she was still on a personal call) and she quickly took care of what I needed with attitude. The customer behind me asked her "se habla espanol?" and she said no and told her to go to customer service next door. He asked where again, and she snapped and told her NEXT DOOR! YOURE WELCOME! Then she hung up the phone and muttered a bunch of crap and left.
If you hate your job that much then find a new one!