Well, silly me. I received a few coupons in the mail from Teppen Bento last month & have stopped in for take-out 3 times now. I thought I had discovered a new & still unknown gem. I needed to write a review for this place--gosh, maybe I'd be the first reviewer!? Well, here I am, reviewer #232.
One of the reasons I thought this place was new is that it's usually empty when I stop in. But hey, I'm probably often their first customer of the day when I stop in at opening time on my way home from grocery shopping or something. At 11AM my taste goes toward sushi. At $4.95 for 8 pieces of California Roll or Vegetable Roll I've got a satisfying small lunch for myself. Only problem is, I know they have the best fried gyoza ($4.25 for 6 scrumptuous pieces) I've ever tasted so I often have to add that to my order. Yum!
This will be a great restaurant to take guests when we're looking for a simple, quick meal, or a nice meeting place for a group lunch.