Not really pleased with this office. I've been thinking of switching doctors for a while, but the clincher was when I tried to schedule an appointment to have my back checked. I was in an accident over 6 months ago and didn't have any problems except slight achiness the following day (what 1 might expect from a small accident). Over the last 2 months I have experienced pain between my shoulder blades & a sore spot in middle of spine. It's become painful when I breathe so I called to get it checked out. First call sent to voicemail even though during business hours. Second call I was told that the doctors don't even check out issues that may possibly be related to accidents or injuries. If you haven't experienced an injury, how else would you "injure" your back. I'm not even sure if it was related to the accident. It's entirely possible I have just tweaked my back wrong. That has happened before. My back I just hurts & it's starting to affect my daily routine. I'm not looking to pursue any legal action regarding the accident, I just want to make sure that I'm OK, & possibly find a solution so it stops hurting.