Dr. Pack mis diagnosed me with a blighted ovum and told me frankly that I never developed a fetus. He admitted he was not a very good ultrasound tech and he was right. He also said I had a "weird shaped uterus" the more common term would be a "tipped uterus" but why should I expect polite and correct terms? He should had thus informed me then with all this info that many doctors can't see a first trimester baby in a uterus with ultrasound on women with tipped uteruses until later in the pregnancy. I became distressed and depressed not understanding how my symptoms could be so severe and I resolved myself after a day of crying and missing work (which I have NEVER done) that he was wrong and I could feel my baby. Long story short I was 8 weeks pregnant with a fetus in the corner of my uterus and he/she would have been born in October. Please always get a second opinion ladies and spare yourself the heart break, I will always get a highly recommended ultra sound tech....oh and the nurse left me a VOICE MESSAGE telling me I am having a MISCARRIAGE!!!!! How mortifying and unprofessional and they were wrong! No one even told me why I kept having to go back for blood tests, I found out myself on line! Not the best experience of my life!