I like Dr. Cyzner and maybe I am panicked but he seems unconcerned about my bout with GERD. He said I had a hiatal hernia but never suggested or gave a referral for treatment. I try to be positive and upbeat with him and I am afraid he misunderstood the excruciating pain I experience.Very little I can eat which I had to find out on my own. Lost 12 lbs this week alone. I needed to do that but not like this. This is like a heart attack 3 times a day. I don't have any idea of the prognosis because that was never discussed. I live alone with my dog and it is very depressing due to the chronic pain and lack of energy. I am 75 but have always been active and play a lot of golf. Now is the season and maybe my last and I can do nothing. I have repairs to my house that I can't do. I need for him to give me some guidance. If surgery for the hernia would help let's do it. I don't want to spend what little time i have left like this.