| - Dr. Chad Stewart attempted to come to my rescue! I walked into his office with a severe migraine just prior to closing time to find out what they do for headache management. I have never been to a chiropractor before and migraines are fairly new for me. So far I have not responded to migraine medication and I am looking for other options. Dr. Stewart could tell I was in a lot of pain. He took me next door to the Urgent Care and recommended I get a Toradol shot. Unfortunately, there was a problem with my insurance, so they attempted to look it up and find out what the co-pay would be. They couldn't get that information at the time, but they took a copy of my card and set me up with an appointment for the next day.
When I went in the next day, the office was very busy. They were only open from 9:00 - 12:00. Everyone was very friendly, but I could tell that I was being squeezed in. First I was put on a table for electromagnetic muscle relaxation. Then, they took a full history. Next, I had a nice massage that focused on my neck and shoulders. While I was waiting for the next step I sat in a massaging chair. Then Dr. Stewart did a neuro exam with me and took x-rays. Next a PA from Urgent Care came over to assess my situation, prescribe some new medications for migraines, and get me that Toradol shot. I had to wait quite awhile for the shot. After the shot, it wasn't clear if I was done next door with the chiropractor because we never reviewed my x-rays. Dr. Stewart said I was good to go and we would review the x-rays on Monday. The whole experience took about 3 hours. Normally, I wouldn't have that much time to spend, but I took off work. I really like that the Chiropractic office, PT, and Urgent Care are all connected. My only complaint is that it was not very private and really loud/had bright, irritating lighting for a migraine sufferer.
Migraine has not completing gone away yet, but I do feel better tonight...
I hope this will be a solution for me, but I do worry about what the cost will be if my insurance doesn't pick it up!