| - I've been taking classes at the school for 14 years. Excellent teachers, excellent students, traditional lessons. No "montage" training. You have to put your time in and make an effort in order to achieve your goals. Students have become teachers and opened their own schools after 10 years. Descended from the Shaolin temple and the next Abbot in line to the temple, Shi Guolin, has seminars once every other year if available to learn direct Kung Fu. The classes and styles offered are Traditional Kung Fu, Taichi, Excellent Yoga, Martial weapons. 14 Years ago when I started looking around researching other styles, I heard so many people talking about their children and their kids getting "black belts" in under a year with no prior training. I thought that was absurd, then I learned about "pay to test belt levels" and the scams run at many schools. Here, you don't even get a black belt until after Ten years because you have SO much to learn, AND you keep learning after that. I here so many people complain about the costs, which truly are not that bad, I'm on a fixed income being disabled and I can coming five days or nights a week. You truly get what you pay for. Would you pay 40 bucks for a BMW? How long do you think it would last? Then if your mind, body, spirit, and overall physical and mental health is important to you, the cost is minuscule.