| - This place is good! Our server was attentive, the food was good. The Oyster Rockefeller? If you're on the fence ... get them! Really good. Even my buddy who is not into oysters said "wow." I had the scallops. Good, but kind of skimpy on the portion. Fortunately I was with a friend who had the rib-eye rubbed with coffee (or something like that) and he shared. Can't taste the coffee. The rib-eye was very good.
Ambiance: Excellent. My only criticism is that with low-lights (wonderfully romantic if you are with the right person--and I wasn't (into chicks, here)) it's difficult for those of us who are colorblind, to read the small, light red, detail print on the menus. I had to have my buddy read then menu to me. Well, I had also just swam 20 laps at the hotel pool without goggles, so that may have had something to do with it, but since something like 10% of men are colorblind it's something to keep in mind. A minor inconvenience, but hey, the food, service, and ambiance, all were very good! Much better than that OTHER Phoenix steakhouse I reviewed. Hands down. Seriously. You in the back, put your hands down. I'll be back.