| - Great prices, quality product, Yes, workmanship and customer service is average at best. Steve is a nice guy and knows how to sell.
The Install:
I had to call them back to straighten out a section that was installed very noticeably crooked. They apologized and came back to fix it. I also pointed out to the installer's right before they left the second time that I thought the backsplash should be caulked between the backsplash and the countertop surface, but was not sure. The installer responded, "Oh...sorry, yes it should be caulked." They caulked it before they left.
Final Payment:
Upon completion of the job, the installer asked for a credit card number for final payment and I provided it, rather than write a check which I was ready to write and would have preferred. That request cost me an extra 3%. ALWAYS PAY BY CHECK.
Customer Service:
I called and left a message seeking an explanation to the extra charge. With an opportunity to provide good customer service, the owner called back to explain the unexpected charge. He said it was a transaction fee associated to the use of the credit card for final payment. He said "Sorry, it's in the contract. It's not like that 3% goes into my pocket." I do understand bank charges, but if the company creates this charge for me, which could have been avoided then I have a problem with that.
When the business specifically asked you for a credit card you usually try to cooperate and provide it as it seems like their preferred form of payment. I just did not read the fine print. My fault, yes, I'll accept that.
The easiest thing to say would have been, "I'm sorry, we asked you for a credit card, I see you paid your deposit with a check and our request cost you more money, here is your 3% back. That would be great customer service. He didn't quite get that.
Lesson Learned:
Again, good prices, nice product, the rest is average, but you have to put up with some stuff for a good price. ALWAYS PAY WITH A CHECK at Countertop Rock.
Lesson learned. Again, good price yes. Nice product, yes. Sales person good, yes. Customer service, not so good. 3 out of 4 are what you can expect.
Yes, they accept credit cards (used my debit), but write a check if you can.
I would still probably recommend them.