The pizza is average and the service I would not wish upon ISIS. Upon first moving to Berea I thought I found a nice pizza place but wow did it go down hill fast. The second time I ordered Marco's, my entire order appeared to have been dropped as both pizzas were smooshed to one one end of the boxes and folded over. Another time, I was feeling generous, and gave the delivery driver an $18 cash tip on a $22 order. He looked at his hand and turned with not a thank you to return to his car that had rap music blaring so loud that he would likely have had hearing loss at the age of 25. Because of this, I did not order Marco's pizza for quite some time.
Recently Marco's sent me a coupon reading "Should we send out a search party?" The answer is yes because I have had a horrible experience every time I order your pizza. So lets give this another shot. This was the most recent and last time I will ever attempt to order marco's pizza.
I was out running errands and my wife called to order pizza with the coupon and she specifically asked if we needed the coupon. The person that took the order said they did, so she decided not to order. He told her that she could take a picture of it and send it to my phone. After arriving to pick up the pizza, the person at the front counter refused to accept the photo. I continued to explain that the person that took the order instructed her to send a photo of the coupon. A second person chimed in that the coupon is required while holding one up and slapping it like they were speaking and demeaning a child. "You need to pay full price". I asked why my wife would tell me that a photo would suffice. I was told that she was a liar. With this... I went somewhere else to get pizza that night. The great thing about pizza shops, they are everywhere.
It is simple... I will never order from here ever again.
To the owner... Please keep all employees at your store. I do not want them being released to infect other businesses and would prefer the dysfunction remain with you.