I have a bit of a "crepe" issue. There is just something about a meal that could technically be breakfast but it tastes like a dessert!
The problem is if you want crepes then your options are IHOP, Village inn, or you have to drive to a far off place and it's like a trip to never-never land..... And the entire way your thinking do I really want a crepe this bad??? Does this mean I have a problem? My subconscious is telling me that if crepes were illegal then I would have a street corner dealer on speed dial.
First, the crepeier is a modern little place full of hipsters and long haired hippies or in today's lingo the "bohemian" look. If you want to see man-buns this is the place.
Well, my very late 30s soccer mom hopped up on caffeine and the thrill of being childless for 25.6 minutes was not a good blend for the "emo cafeteria" but I played it cool........I drove 20 mins for strawberries wrapped in a thin pancake then smothered with whip cream and some type of magical sauce.
Well things started to go down hill fast.
Have you ever seen the soup nazi Seinfeld episode? Well.... I just strolled my way into the crepe nazi and my blood sugar was moving into dangerous levels and I had started to sweat.
I'm sure it's because on some primal level my body sensed that "crepes" were close by.
Here is the deal. I didn't want to eat this heavenly snack surrounded by people who are wounded with the you don't "get" me face and I had to pick up 3 hyper children in exactly 40 minutes so these strawberry delights were coming with me and I had limited time.
I rarely get to eat out and rarely at restaurants with "rules." This joint is in a semi-run down 1982 shopping center. So I wasn't expecting rules like you get at Flemings or Capital Grille!
First, you can only get about 1/2 the menu to go because it has to be plated/presented in a special way.
The strawberry crepes happen to fall under an extremely strict "no take out" policy.
As, this was being explained, I dug for more detail on this no exceptions policy.
The Hipster Explained there is a magical way that they smear sauce on the plate however this magic cannot take place in a to-go box. Then she turned away in a aloof depressed silence and I'm pretty sure she was either extremely offended or practicing for a Shakespearean play.
Suddenly I felt like Queen Leer had just run over my cat. I began questioning about alternatives to my first choice that would not "break" the take out code.
After about 5 minutes, I had the options of beets and of something else that sounded unappetizing.
I was ready to leave empty handed when I decided to run a Hail Mary and order the strawberries with an announcement of staying to eat. Wink wink....
20 minutes later in complete Y generation glory ( the place was empty and well they had important things to do like solving all the worlds problems by sending out good vibes to the universe) I finally got my meal.
I have made crepes myself and it takes less time to make a crepe then to mix up some pancake mix and flip a flap jack.
I grab a to-go box and scoop the yummy tart in faster then my kids can brush their teeth.
Then I try to avoid eye contact as I beam for the door. I dodge the stares of disgust only to get a full wave goodbye and a silent glare from who I would guess to be the hall monitor of crepe rules.
They were good.... Not amazing but good! I might just make them at home next time but if your I the area then try it out but only if your staying to eat!