| - If one looks up "UNMITIGATED DISASTER" in the Merriam-Webster dictionary the proffered real life example would be:
"Pep Boys on South Boulevard is an *unmitigated disaster* of epic proportions..."
I hardly know where to start -- well, let's start with the good...
...their tire prices can be very very good, assuming you don't fall for the classic bait & switch tactics the con artists...err, employees at Pep Boys South Blvd routinely employ. OK, that's it for the good.
Back to Merriam-Webster, the next time the con artists...err, employees of Pep Boys South Blvd open a dictionary, it will be the first time --- clearly they have no understanding of the meaning of the word "APPOINTMENT". This word has ZERO meaning at Pep Boys South Blvd, nil, nada, none.
This "organization" may be the single most disorganized "organization" I have ever witnessed...they are so bad it's beyond belief.
I've always had this theory that airlines, cell phone companies, and NYC gyms are all evil, it's just a matter of sorting out which provider is the least evil -- Pep Boys South Blvd has lowered the bar for evil to levels I never would have believed could exist....SMH.
They have a sign out front advertising a "30 minute oil change", I'd bet good money this has never ever happened, not even once. Last time I was there the guy in front of me was waiting on a simple NC inspection, problem is he'd waited 3 hours the previous Sunday and the con artists, err, employees at Pep Boys South Blvd never got it done.
I've bought tires for two different cars in the last year, one from this store, one from another Pep Boys store in the area. Getting tires rotated at the South Blvd store has proven to be a challenge I am not up to. The other store is 3 times as far a drive but going forward I'm going to invest the extra time to go to the other store -- they are at least half way organized.
Do yourself a favor and drive up and down South Blvd and pick any other repair/tire store, completely at random, it would be impossible to get yourself into a situation that's going to inflict anywhere near the pain onto you that Pep Boys South Blvd will.