I called to set up acupuncture treatment for my dog and was told by a female receptionist that the first visit was $90 and subsequent visits were $60 each. I also emailed them copies of my dogs MRI report from a neurologist. I showed up for my appointment and after filling out the paperwork as directed by a male receptionist sat in an exam room for 15 minutes after which the I could hear the doc ask the male receptionist to talk to me and tell him if there was anything else I needed to add to the neurologist's report. I saw no purpose in wasting anyone's time talking to a receptionist and so I said "no". The doc walked in and after examining my dog, and talking to me, left the room to bring a little electrical device and some needles to begin treatment. She struggled to keep the needles in place and keep the elctrodes connected to the needles. After several attempts she left with the dog hooked up to 2 of the four electrodes. While she was gone I reconnected the other 2 electrodes and waited till her little timer went off in the reception area and she walked back in. At that point she was surprised that I had the other 2 electrodes connected and said she is always happy when a client assists. I then walked out to schedule the next treatment and wrote a check for $90 and was shocked when the receptionist told me it would be $120. When asked why, he looked at a little clock / timer on his PC and said the visit had gone over. I then emailed the clinic and the doc and was told the female receptionist had worked there for a long time and could not have made a mistake in what she said. Not sure how the doc knew what the receptionist told me.