In order to save some funds we got the wristband which allows you to eat to your hearts content as much as your stomach can hold within 24 hours at the participating buffets. Our group stuffed in three buffets and could have done a fourth but we were away from the Strip on the first evening and no one wanted to drive back, so we waited until our first am to sign up. I fully recommend staying at one of the properties that offers the buffet as it will be difficult to get up and make it on time to breakfast or before your time runs out, as my friends found out last time they were in Vegas. You most definitely need to watch out for additional charges with the premium buffets as we found out unfortunately with Bacchanal. However used to it's fullest this little wristband can save you quite a bit of change which you can piss down a hole on the casino floor. Don't forget to sign up for the member rewards card as it can knock off $10, or so we were told, from your total bill.