| - My experience has not been great. But, folks we have to look at the facts. Our wonderful Government is cracking down on opioids use in America. Doctors are now forced to follow the guidelines of the DEA and FDA. Because of there being more young people dying of opioids use, than gun use or, traffic accidents: this leaves us with chronic pain to suffer even more. We cannot blame our doctors, we need to fight this with our Government. Doctors who have spent years getting their license, don't want to loose their license. I have dealt with a SCI (spinal cord injury) since 1977. I have dealt with my pain for almost 39 years. Became a diabetic in '92. I did not start taking pain medication until '09. I just could not handle the pain anymore. So, hello doctors. Back then physician's were willing to help us. But, now with the crack down on pain meds; you need to be dying of cancer if your going to get better help for pain. Maybe, this is the reason why people are turning to heroin. The Government thinks that they are helping with the problem, when in fact, I would be willing to bet that the problem with deaths of heroin use will get worse. People with chronic pain wants relief, and they will go through any measures to get it. We can thank our Government for this. Not to blame our doctors.
Mr. D.