| - What a treat to come in from the snow and cold of Cleveland winter. The glasshouse makes the Cleveland Botanical Garden a unique place to visit. It feels like you teleported to visit a hot, arid, Spiny Desert Biome of Madagascar. Oh the joys and wonders this biome has to share. With indigenous animals, insects, and plant life to Madagascar.
Then you teleport over to Costa Rica, to visit the Cloud Rain Forest Biome. This misty, hot, and humid eco-system with lots of surprises around every corner. Enchants everyone admiring the exotic butterflies, birds, wildlife, and horticultural wonders. Since Orchid Mania 2016 was in progress, it was so colorful with sweet fragrances drifting through the air. It certainly makes a paradise for birders, butterfly enthusiasts, photographers, and plant lovers alike. You truly forget you are in Northeast Ohio.
I had visited last Saturday, regrettably the first time since my last visit back in the late 90's. I liked it so much I bought a membership. Then I had to return this Saturday for more delight. Between the two visits I shot just over 1200 pictures. I look forward to the next big showcase event. Not to mention, returns through the different seasons to enjoy the beautiful outdoor gardens. I also plan on joining the Cleveland Botanical Garden Photography Club, as well.
Coming from a Professional Horticulturist and Avid Photographer's point of view. Cleveland Botanical Garden is a Crown Jewel of Northeast Ohio and Cleveland. I highly recommend that you MUST GO TO.