I love the nachos florentine in this restaurant it's really good. I was disappointed last time I came though, they are advertising breakfast so I came. I was the only one in the place. I ordered their breakfast burrito and my only request was no salsa. My tummy was acting up that morning so I specifically did not want anything to irritate it. My order came and it looked really good. I took a big bite and I almost choked. They put salsa in the burrito. After that I couldn't eat it anymore. I asked the server what happened? He was apologetic but my breakfast was ruined now. They replaced with out the salsa but now I'm late and didn't the time to enjoy and eat it . I decided just to go and take it with me. When I got to work it was already dry and couldn't eat it. And for the rest of the day my tummy was upset and I couldn't eat anything. It's the worse feeling.