Watched a Lions game here in 2007. It was a bit hazy because we worked in a Vegas visit and subsequent road trip. The Lions had -14 rush yards for the game. Memorable.
Great facility, interesting that the grass rolls in on game day after spending time getting sun and water outdoors. There is a nice tailgate/party area that is on grass which is a nice change from some of the concrete areas I have visited in the past. They had some game type areas for kids setup and a band playing. Tailgaters had all sorts of southwestern stews going on but better judgement got the better of me and I avoided partaking.
Best part of the trip. I decided to leave my phone at the hotel saying "Why am I going to need this thing!" I needed it. Due tothe numerous cocktails and beers consumed I some how managed to get separated from my 3 friends. Apparently they had an amber alert out for me in the stadium because they told security I was lost and that I was 8 years old. Still dont buy it. Ended up taking a cab back the to hotel and I swear he circled the stadium 5 times racking up the fare. Either way... great day.