Have you ever found yourself in need of a 10lbs rye loaf? If you have (and strangely enough I have on many occasions) this is the place to get it. It costs a whopping $15.85 for enough rye to make way too many sandwiches.
In all truth, I seldom require more than 1/10 of this at any one time, but if you find yourself with too much then it keeps very well in the fridge and freezes very well. Just make sure the ask the check-out people you want some freezer bags.
They have a huge variety of other types of breads both large and small as well as a lovely assortment of pastries, danishs, cakes and more. (How on earth do you spell the plural of 'danish'?)
They have a small sit-down area if you choose to nosh on your goodies straight away which is often the case with the small treats. I find them nearly impossible to resist.
To compliment the sit-down area they have the Schaerer "Otto" coffee machine. This particular machine is touted (by the manufacturer) as "the worlds largest super-automatic machine" and is rated for steady production of 500 cups per hour. I'm guessing they are only using 10-15% of that rated capacity at any one time and do sell a decent cuppa for $1. (It's an americano folks) They will serve the other drinks (caps, lattes, etc.) but since it's a super-automatic, they don't have a dedicated barrista that actually knows what to do. That being said the machine is 100% idiot proof as super-automatics tend to be.
The only thing I can possibly say against this place is the parking (and the distance from my home). It's always super busy and the lot is nearly always full.