After the touch-up and my tattoos healed I noticed the heart tattoo on my finger wasn't as clean looking as it was before the touch-up, the three dots are off now too. How do you mess up a heart?...and three dots?... The lines aren't clean and the ink isn't consistent. I sent Stitch a text (on 12/03/15) which included before/after pictures, expressing my concern and saying I wanted to come back in to give him a chance to clean it up. I have yet to hear back from him (really? 6 months?)... Maybe it's for the best. It's just not cool to ignore customers, especially when you messed up...I didn't ask to come in for a touch-up, he told me tatts would look better if I never came in that second time... it's annoying that I have to have someone else clean up his work which is going to cost me.