| - Dr. Castro made very rude and inappropriate remarks about me being an unwed teen mother (19), and urged me to get birth control after I delivered so that I wouldn't have any more tax-funded babies. For the record, I was insured under United Healthcare and only used AHCCCS to cover my copays. Even though I had private insurance, I found it extremely unprofessional and offensive.
She also came in my room when I was 8 cm dilated, briefly examined me, then announced she was going to dinner and would be back for my delivery. She returned almost 2 HOURS later, and then announced casually that I only had 30 minutes to push because she had a scheduled C section. WHAT?!
That was my first baby, and I was already terrified and uncomfortable, and this made the whole situation even more stressful. The icing on the cake was when she performed an episiotomy without numbing me first, and when I yelped in pain, she said, "whoops, you felt that?" She numbed me after the fact without another word. We also LOVED when she refused to let the baby's father cut the cord because we weren't married!
I also had issues with the front office assuring me that my insurance would cover an IUD that I was reluctant to get because of the cost and was promptly sent a bill for over $900.
Finally, after having my baby, she performed a colposcopy and biopsy and refused to answer my questions about the results and simply shoved some pamphlets in my hand and left. I haven't been back since, and I warn all of my friends and family to stay far away from this office! I am now married to my baby's father and we are about to celebrate 7 years together. We don't think we want to have another child, and it infuriates me that Dr. Castro and this clinic RUINED that special time in our lives with their completely unprofessional behavior. If you want to be treated with respect, I suggest you find another doctor.