This hospital killed my Mom!!! I brought my mom in for a uti, they put her in hospital, two days later Mom Asphicated and they had her on a oxygen mask as she fought for her life to get the fluid off of her lungs. Next day i was told by the doctor mom would not make it because she now has phneumonoia of the lungs and sepsis in her body!!! Mom hung on for over a week with a high preassure oxygen mask, They gave her antibiotics but nothing seemed to work, so they gave up on her!!!! The day we waited for hospice to come and get mom, mom had a 104 temperature and they didnt do anything about it!!! Moms skin was already turning blue because they took her off of the the high preassure oxygen!!!! Moms heart rate was at 150 beats a minute and they didnt even try more then one med to get it down!!!! Mom layed like that in her room for 5 hours until Hospice came, when mom was admitted to hospice she had a 105 fever and they packed her with ice. My Mom passed away that night in my arms on January 12th at 9:39 pm 2018!!! I will never ever forgive the doctors for what they did to my Mom, nore will i ever forgive them for the aweful and hurtful treatment of my Mom as she layd there suffering!!!!! If I had the money, I would do anything under my power to bring them down for their services!!!!! I will never forgive them for taking away the most precious part of my life!!!! John Lee