I did 2.5 years of my BA here. Unless you are a research or business major, this school, in my experience, is a total degree mill.
I chose the school because it had an Interdisciplinary Studies program and I was very serious about the two programs I would study in and how they would result in my future career. It was such a joke. The wait to see an advisor is so insane that often I couldn't get the classes I needed. Many of my poli sci instructors didn't care about their classes and it was so Micky Mouse.
The school is just a big business. You will be hit up for student fees you will never benefit from. You will be hit up to live on campus as a freshman, even if it is not in your best interest. Bland Sodexo is the overpriced food provider (DON'T GET THE MEAL PLAN!). Michael Coors doesn't care about you. The campus is more of a commerse or entertainment center. There is a Scientology Center on Campus. The campus is not disability friendly. When you graduate, the alumni group will stalk you for money - No clue how they got my address when I moved across the country.
If I could go back in time, I would have taken more classes at a community college and then used the money saved to transfer out of state for a higher quality education.