this is a far better choice for mexican food than emiliano's (aka don pablo's+). but when it was suggested, my mom complained that "it's always so loud in there!"
i thought she was just having an old lady moment, so i called to make our reservation, and told them we had someone hard of hearing in our group so we would need a quiet corner booth. mom was mortified.
we get there, they ignore my request and sit us at a booth right in the middle of the room, and i start to think it IS pretty loud in there. then....
a troupe of dudes explodes out of the kitchen for the loudest birthday serenade ever, complete with longhorn and a stick bangin on a paint bucket. there were 3 birthdays that night.
and, as luck would have it, it was my mom's birthday, too! guess what happened next? :)
the food is above average, and the house margarita was delightful. just be prepared for a boisterous dining experience!