| - It's a knock off of Moe's, or Chipotle, but not as good, overpriced, slow service, and confusing ordering process.
1. I walked in thinking it was sit down order off the menu Mexican restaurant, but its not. So I order a pork burrito and watch the server start making it.
I'm confused because he doesn't ask me what I want in it, but hands me a ticket.
Now what?..
Directions below:
2. Take ticket to cashier and get your salsa offering. All choices are behind the counter so pick one. (tomatillo is bland!)
3. Cashier now gives you a tablespoon of the salsa you choose in a tiny bowl, and puts it on a large plastic cafeteria tray.
4. Pay cashier, but no burrito yet? Where did it go?
5. Take large plastic tray with tablespoon of salsa and silverware to table and wait 10-15 mins for food. Be careful walking to table, floor is sticky.
6. Burrito and 10 tortilla chips arrive! Yea!!
7. Enjoy 15 minute old, mushy, over priced burrito and enough salsa for half your chips.
8. Clean off your table, go home and wonder what just happened!