Made a reservation for a party of 12 for new year's eve. Rules were strict- no separate checks, 2 hour limit, cork fees on wine and beer if byob. Waited for over 40 minutes for table eventhough we had a reservation and there was a 2 hour limit. Manager Steve harrassed us for drinking beer while waiting for our table. We showed him the flyer that said byob beer is ok. He said that they changed the rules and that we didnt have to stay and accused us of being rude. It seemed like he wanted us to leave. He was extremely rude. The rest of the staff was very nice but this guy was a real jerk. Worst restaurant experience ever. All 12 of us walked out and went to Lucci's which was awesome. As we walked out the manager sarcastically said bye bye and waved. Huge jerk. We will never go back. We will tell everyone we know to never go there.