I was having issues with my laptop turning on, some times it would and other times it wouldn't. They were unable to figure out the problem and advised me that my computer had several viruses. Which I found odd because I had someone else already do a virus scan and they found ZERO. Data Doctors wanted me to pay a ridiculous amount of money, on top of what I paid for them to figure out the problem (which they were unable to do) and he said its very possible that I had 250 viruses on my computer. He stated that this other expensive scan would be able to find them and then if I pay even more money then they can get rid of them. My computer was not even worth the asking price of what they wanted to fix it. I then contacted a friend and I was referred to another shop that would look at it for free....although they couldn't figure out the issue either...they told me that I have absolutely ZERO viruses on my computer. The whole thing seemed so fishy. DD also did not finish diagnosing my computer in the time I was promised and I had to keep calling them. They didn't even start looking at it until I was on my way.