Im pretty sure this place put a nail in my old tire, which I came to get repaired, to try to force me into buying a new one. I inspected my tire and found a nail in it. It was in the middle of the tire which is easy enough to repair, right. I called them up and was told they repair tires for free. When they took it in to fix it the guy came back out 20 minutes later. He told me it couldnt be repaired due to the nail being located on the shoulder of the tire. Obviously I said its not on the shoulder. Its in the middle. He went back to get the tire and rolled it out for me to see. Sure enough there was a nail in the middle AND on the shoulder. I didnt think anything of it, except how i missed a nail on the shoulder during my thorough inspection. I did know I went in to get a "free" tire repair and i wasnt prepared to buy a set of tires for a corvette which run anywhere from 1100 - 1400 on the cheap end for a decent set. I dont do the replace 1 tire thing anymore. Especially on a corvette. I had only needed to put a miniscule bit of air in the tire once, maybe twice a week anyway, so no big deal. That changed! Now I have to put an exorbitant amount of air in my tire every morning! This is where these slicksters in Phx mess up. If the car is doing something that it wasnt doing before we bring our cars to them then that means they did some shady crap! Im not STUPID! As it stands now I'm forced to buy a new set of tires for my car. I can tell you one thing. IT WILL NOT BE AT DISCOUNT TIRE ON 51ST AVE & BASELINE IN LAVEEN