| - I've been going to Aspen Creek off and on for a couple of years now. They did the initial set up on two bikes I bought on line...did a good job on my wife's, but mine was pretty rough. I figured one out of two aint bad, so I'll give them another shot. Everyone in the shop is very nice and quite personable, but they have a tendency to send bikes out the door without testing the repair anywhere but on a rack. I suppose I should thank them for that, as it fills the first ride after a repair with challenges you never expected. Take today for example. I had Aspen Creek repair a broken ring derailleur cable, which they did in not time flat. The interesting part of the ride was how my bike is now an automatic, shifting up or down randomly for no apparent reason and the chain noise was another nice element. Usually this ride is pretty quiet, but I must say hearing that chain grinding across the front derailleur really made for a nice cadence guide. I have to say the every time I have had a problem with a repair, with the exception of the initial set up, when my handle bars went one way and the front tire another (I fixed that after I made it through the intersection on my own) they have repaired their repair. I am just at the point now that I want to find someone that will fix it and make sure that not only the repair is correct, but that the bike is functional afterwords...again, very nice people, but I would recommend that if you use them to maintain your bike, you plan on riding around the parking lot a few times before assuming it has been completely repaired.