McDonalds, a paradox of the food industry! They have achieved world domination in the fast food genre, completly unparrelled! Literally all over the world on every single continent !people line up for the cheap and fast burgers! and yet so many people view McDonalds as a villain. For some people even the word "McDonald's" triggers an instant negative response ! A response that perhaps even rivals the hatred for the tobacco industry. Is it because they have conquered the fast food industry ? Or because they are killing people (as the famous documentary "super size me" lightly suggest)
We all know it's food made from heavily processed and mass produced ingriedients.But is that the reason we scoff at it? Plenty of other foods that we eat are equally as bad.
Dare I say that McDonalds actually is the godfather of the FF business model and was the part of the genesis of what we know as the fast food industry, they mastered the art of consistency which I think is McDonald's strongest trait.
The food? Well we all know about the food. For me personally the fries are my absolute favorite fries, they are pretty much perfect. The McDonalds cheese burger has a signature flavour that is often overlooked, i have loved it since I was 4 and it's probably one of my first food memories! Now obviously the health factor isn't a priority... But it's still delicious and that counts for a lot. In moderation, McDonald's is a place that I always appreciate! I also have to say! Well... Nevermind