I'm not entirely sure what the fuck Sense Appeal means. An appeal to the senses - maybe the nose, but not really common sense. I do know that it has mind-blowingly delicious coffee.
I take two stars off for the following reasons:
1. There is really no place to sit here. Not only is a bitch to find this place, but once you get in and get your coffee, trying to find a place to sit is like trying to clear out mass shrubbery in the depths of the lush, Cameroonian rain forest. I found a former tree trunk-turned-table sitting out in the busy lobby of the entire building. Not work-conducive. The wi-fi adds to the feel that you're sharing a dial-up connection with local villagers.
2. Let's just be honest - this place is super pretentious. It's like National Asshole Week here every week. I never thought I'd meet coffee conoisseurs that overshadow the egos of doctoral candidates.
But the coffee is well worth that mob forest battle.
I recommend you grab the pre-ground black bag of goods, drop the toonies on the counter, and run.