Not sure where to begin on this update. Well here it goes. The driving range turf is non existent you might be able to find a small area in each stall to hit from. The balls are old and worn many take off and drop or turn abruptly from being damaged. The tee boxes on many holes are okay. The fairways are over watered and very wet tee shots in the middle of the fairway plug. Approach areas are very wet and shots do not release they plug. The greens on many hole are invested with ball marks, not totally the courses fault golfers do not fix ball marks. There are many bunkers with very little to no sand, that's probably why many bunkers have no rakes. The course should purchase ball repair tools and give one out with each round played.
The good is the staff except for a couple of guys the Tuesday afternoon cashier and Wednesday am starter Joe must hate his job he is never in a good mood.The rest of the team is fantastic a shout out to Dave, Brian, Tony and Kieth in the pro shop and Lyndsay in the snack shop, Lee on the bev cart and cart corral guys.
I love the course layout and the location but please increase the maintenance budget and stop watering the turf.