| - I actually kind of love Ellis Island, and we go often, but I have to be honest in the review and 3 stars is probably the best I can do for this place.
We always get the steak special, which is 8.99 (with your players club coupons that you print out from the machine) and includes a huge beer, steak, potato, green beans and soup or salad. Usually it is great, but unfortunately it can be fairly inconsistent. My husband and I can order the exact same thing and our steaks look completely different and one can be medium well and one can be practically raw. 80% of the time, it is a great dinner, but it's that 20% that bums you out sometimes. Also, my daughter ordered the fried chicken once, and while 3 pieces were perfect, one was raw inside...obviously that is fairly dangerous and something that shouldn't have happened.
I will say that we have brought all out of town family here, and they all love it, rave about the good deal, and the beer, and always want to go every time they come out, so there is something about this old school place that people (especially the old people) are drawn to.
My favorite thing about the whole place is the beer. I LOVE the Hefe Weiss. LOVE IT! It is dirt cheap or free if you get the steak special. Also, I find the more Hefe I drink the less I care about the bad stuff about this place ;-)
As everyone has said, it is extremely smoky. I find the restaurant to not be too bad with the smoke drifting in, but the casino and bar are bad! We have watched karaoke in the bar, and my throat hurt for a day afterward because of all the smoke. Also there is one bathroom in the whole place and while I have never had to wait in line, that walk feels longer and longer as the night (and the beer drinking!) go on.
So I would say if you are NOT a foodie, like a super cheap meal, and can deal with some cigarette smoke, you will probably enjoy this place. So many of the strip casinos have gotten so over-priced and pretentious, that it is nice to have this place as an option when you just want something cozy and old school.