These are lying scam artists who will tell you anything to get you to part with your money. Once they've got that credit card set up to auto-bill though, they drop you like yesterday's meat and move on to the next mark.
You might be fine if you get some sort of a deal on membership, completely avoid the "fitness assessment" BS (actually just a super high pressure sales pitch), and just use the facility for $30 a month.
Also, for the guys I hope you don't feel you deserve privacy while you shower because there are NO SHOWER CURTAINS in the mens' locker! WTF - Is this prison? Is this high school? I have no idea how the current members are okay with this. I am certainly not willing to pay money to shower out in the open. Both Lifetime and 24 hr Fitness have at least the level of privacy you get in a truck stop FFS.
Of course Andrew the sales guy assured me (Lie #1) that there were normally shower curtains and they must be off for cleaning. I later find out the location never even had curtains in the men's locker. In isolation this could have been an honest mistake but this is just the first of many specific statements made in response to my concerns that turned out to be false after I decided to sign on that line. Three customer service failures in the space of 2 visits looks like a pattern to me. Magically, the manager of the place is always out of the office or "on a conference call" whenever I've tried to reach him, and my requests for a call back when he's available have been ignored.
In short: Fuck these guys. Spend your money elsewhere unless you like being ripped off and have absolutely no expectation of customer service in return for your $390/year plus whatever extra fees they bully you into signing up for.