| - Now, I've made the mistake of reviewing before completion of services (See: Showcase Honda), but, like my dogs, I just don't learn and am a big fat smooshy dumb head face who chewed up mommy's expensive shoes this morning and drives mommy CRA-AZY.
Here it is: Yeah, the salesgirl who helped me out was a big time Valley Girl and her name was Chanel and her makeup was quite possibly airbrushed, but she was really freaking cool.
She understood and commiserated with me on the following topics:
-being miserably and uncomfortably blind
-the over-the-top prices of these silly designers
-having to work weekends
-the silliness of our respective boyfriends not getting that we have to SEE, dammit, as in the necessity of rent pales in comparison to the obvious importance of me being able to accurately but silently judge those around me based on how I can SEE their personal appearance
So, that said, the place is overpriced, but it's at the Waterfront, so whaddya want? Also, my insurance gives me some good discounts for going here, so we'll see. I have an appointment with the good doc today to tell me just how blind I am, which, if it goes to hell, you'll hear about it.